Friday, October 10, 2008

Tasks, Task Management, GMail, BlackBerry, iPhone

There's a wonderful product that others have certainly discovered but about which I just became aware: Remember the Milk. If you like traditional task management systems (like in Outlook) but want integration instead with GMail and your BlackBerry or iPhone, this is The One. Free version for the Web. Pro version for $25 a year provides the mobile-sync. Take a look: LINK. And if your life is superfractured among multiple platforms, seems to work perfectly back to Outlook (via your BlackBerry) if you're on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server. So, GMail <> Outlook task sync is the result. Why would you do that? I don't know. But it works.

1 comment:

John B. Kendrick said...

I found an application that allows me to view my entire GTD at work on my Win machine, at home on my Macs and even on my cell phone. And another app lets me call in tasks to my GTD without any writing or typing, great for those thoughts that hit me while driving. I've written about my experiences with GTD in a blog post at John